Halifax jade snail
Canada jade snail shell body shape, yellow green, in boiled water after emerald color, almost like jewels, hence the name of the "jade". Jade snail meat fresh sweet shells teeth, snail meat hypertrophy is, eat mouth fun, known as the "Pan Pearl" reputation.
Canada features seafood, and energy transfer.
1, from pure Canadian waters: Canada the Atlantic jade snail fish from natural waters winding of the Atlantic coast of Canada cold pure, because Canada jade snail fishing industry based on comprehensive fisheries management system, thus ensuring the fishing and processing jade snail all adopt the ecological way;
2, pure natural wild: jade snail all natural wild varieties, natural growth, does not add any antibiotics, hormones, no other drug residue;
3, nutrition is considerable, irresistible delicious: jade snail is typical of high protein, low fat, high calcium natural green food. Fresh conch with lemon wedge, pepper seeds, tomato sauce, soy sauce, pepper Jiang Zhicu, extremely delicious.